
Research Projects as Principal Investigator:


International Funding Agencies:


  • Injection of nucleate-boiling slug flows into a heat exchange chamber in microgravity

Funding Agency: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Dept. of Defense USA) through European

Office of Aerospace Research and Development

Code: FA8655-12-1-2060

Duration: 2012-2015 (3 years)

Amount: USD $ 228.573 (179.540 €)


  • Nonequilibrium physics from complex fluids to biological systems (PHYNECS)

Funding Agency: European Commission

Program: Human Capital and Mobility (RTN Networks), 5th Framework Program

Code: HPRN-CT-2002-00312

Total Amount: 1.400.000 € (Barcelona node: 189.752 €)

General Coordinator and PI of Barcelona node: Jaume Casademunt

Duration: 2002-06


  • Pattern formation, noise and spatio-temporal chaos in complex systems (Patterns, Noise & Chaos)

Funding Agency: European Commission

Program: Human Capital and Mobility (HCM-Network)

Code: ERB FMRX-CT96-0085

PI: Jaume Casademunt

Amount: 234.430 €

Duration: 1996-2000


Spanish Funding Agencies:

  • Driven, Active and Living Soft Matter

Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación CInetífica y Técnica de Excelencia, Subprograma de

Generación del Conociemiento

Funding Agency: Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica MINECO)

Code: FIS2013-41144-P

Amount: 190.000 €

Duration: 2014-2016


  • Self-organization in Soft Matterials and Living Matter: II) Complex Fluids, Cells and Tissues

Programa Nacional de Física

Funding Agency: Dirección General de Investigación (MCyT)

Code: FIS2010-21924-C02-02

Amount: 180.000 €

Duration: 2011-2013


  • Self-organization in soft mater: self-assembling material, complex fluids and biological systems

Program: Programa Nacional de Física (Convocatoria Eje-C Consolider)

Funding Agency: Dirección General de Investigación (MCyT)

Code: FIS2006-03525

PI and co-PI: F. Sagués and J. Casademunt

Amount: 551.760 €

Duration: 2006-2011 (5 years)


Other projects from Spanish funding:

BQU2003-05042-C02-02 (69.700 €)

BXX2000-0638-C02-02 (27.045 €)

PB96-1001-C02-02 (18.030 €)

ESP2002-10776-E (35.000 €)

BFM2002-11462-E (8.600 €)

ESP2004-0074-E (48.000 €)

ESP2006-28459-E (26.000 €)

ESP2005-25290-E (20.000 €)

ESP2007-30637-E (40.000 €)